LPMS - Liebwein Recruiting.Human.Resources.

Calculate Personnel Costs

What is the total cost of an hour worked?

Social security contributions are usually taken into account when calculating an hour worked. However, the fact that an average of 67% “ancillary costs” are incurred on the gross wage for an hour worked is often surprising.

This circumstance often puts the hourly rate in the context of temporary employment in a different light. This also includes ancillary wage costs as well as recruiting costs and additional service costs. In addition, you get a lot of flexibility and only pay for what you need.

Enter the monthly salary and the working hours per week into the calculator and see immediately the total cost of a worked hour.


    1 Sonderzahlungen, Sachleistungen, Vermögensbildung

    2 u.a. Aus- und Weiterbildung, freiwillige Sozialleistungen, Abfindungen, etc.

    Quelle: Destatis Arbeitskosten 2012 sowie eigene Berechnungen. Werte sind Durchschnittswerte über alle Branchen und Größen und können unternehmensspezifisch abweichen.